Lead magnet: Level 3 – Learn & Create


Lead magnets are the best way to get your customers on board with your business. They’re an easy, affordable and effective tool that can be used in many ways. You can use them as a thank-you gift, offer them as incentives for referrals, or even give them away at events. But how do you know what kind of lead magnet will work best for your business? That’s where we come in! We have 2 hours set aside just to talk about your business and what might work well as a lead magnet before creating one tailored to fit all of those needs.

The workshop is perfect if you own a small-based service company because it includes research and copywriting services, so you don’t have to worry about coming up with content yourself! It’s also great if you’re not sure which type of lead magnet would be most beneficial for your business – we’ll help figure out exactly what works best for you during our discovery session together! And finally, this workshop is ideal if you’re interested in getting more leads but don’t want to spend any money upfront – after the initial investment into the creation of the PDF file, there’s no additional cost per download once it goes live on your website!


Are you looking for a new lead magnet?

Lead magnets are the best way to get your customers on board with your business. They’re an easy, affordable and effective tool that can be used in many ways. You can use them as a thank-you gift, offer them as incentives for referrals or even give them away at events. But how do you know what kind of lead magnet will work best for your business? That’s where we come in! We have 2 hours set aside just to talk about your business and what might work well as a lead magnet before creating one tailored to fit all of those needs.

The workshop is perfect if you own a small-based service company because it includes research and copywriting services so you don’t have to worry about coming up with content yourself! It’s also great if you’re not sure which type of lead magnet would be most beneficial for your business – we’ll help figure out exactly what works best for you during our discovery session together! And finally, this workshop is ideal if you’re interested in getting more leads but don’t want to spend any money upfront – after the initial investment into the creation of the PDF file, there’s no additional cost per download once it goes live on your website!

The Lead Magnet – Learn & Create package includes:

  • The Lead Magnet Blueprint guidebook
  • 2-hour lead magnet workshop
  • Detailed summary of what was discussed
  • 1 lead magnet creation
    • Research and copywriting
    • Design
    • Branded and editable PDF (5-10pages)

The topics we will cover in the workshop are:

  • Choosing your goal
  • Defining your topic
  • Quality checking your idea
  • Choosing your format
  • Tools and resources that may help
  • Structuring your lead magnet

The lead magnet – Learn & Create package will help you:

  • Get the word out about what you do in a new and interesting way.
  • Grow your business with leads from people who are interested in exactly what you offer.
  • Get started with marketing your business without breaking the bank.
  • Stand out from the competition with an informative lead magnet
  • You’ll have a tangible asset to promote your business with.

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